Tuesday, August 7, 2012

H'owl Egg-ceptional- School Ideas

I know what you're thinking- "That is THE cheesiest blog title I've seen in a long time!" 


But it fits- considering I just did a super cool music project...using easter eggs! (it's cooler than it sounds.) :)

See? I told you it was awesome...

And- cool thing about this- not only is it: 1) super-duper easy, 2) frugal, 3) adaptable, it's also 4) MY idea! ( I love that part :D)  Truthfully, I saw a Pinterest idea using easter eggs for dominoes (or something like that), and decided to adapt it using musical terms, note values, and definitions. Take the eggs apart, put them in a basket, and you have a really fun matching game! The tough part is, the colors of the eggs don't always coordinate. (evil laughter) so blue + blue may not equal the correct answer. Pretty nifty, eh? This could be adapted for lots of teaching/reinforcement ideas: math, English authors/parts of speech, science, etc. And, it's my understanding that a little rubbing alcohol will wipe the sharpie right off (haven't tried it yet)

So, there you have it- my cool idea of the week! 

And- now for the 'owl' part: my classroom theme for the year-                                   "Learning Music is a Hoot!"

Apologies for the crooked picture. It probably disturbs me more than it does you. 

Anyways- there you have it! Miss Davis is pretty excited about the start of school- both schools, actually. UNCG classes begin August 20th (gulp), and CCA begins August 28th. School ideas abound! 

Until next time...



Kim M. said...

Love your ideas! I need to try the Easter egg ideas with the boys. Theory is not my thing and neither is it theirs.

Charity said...

I think you're a genius; come Bach soon!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the kind words, ladies! Genius? probably not, but ADD and creative? That's a bit more like it :)