Thursday, June 23, 2011

To Sleep, perchance to Dream...

This post may, in the eyes of some, be considered an assault to the beloved Shakespeare from which the title of this post is derived. However, do allow me to expound. [Now that you have agreed, you are my most captive of audiences and have no other choice but to read intently all my ramblings. :]

Some concepts are introduced at an early age but may never be understood until a much later time. Try this one:
I hope You Dance.
A simply enough phrase comprised of simple words and likewise simple ideology.
[To better understand, watch this.] <---

When I was young, probably about 8, my grandpa gave me a present during one of our visits together. It was a small book: square, not many pages, and had a picture of a girl playing the violin on the front, which immediately caught my attention since I was a violinist. I tentatively opened the cover to see a hand-written note on the front page. It simply said: "Elizabeth: I hope you Dance. Dream Big, and reach for the Sky. Love, Grandpa." I've never forgotten the feel of the pages beneath my fingers nor the impact of the words from grandpa's heartfelt note. Now, as a college graduate embarking on Life and all the possibilities ahead, I begin to understand. I do not merely want to go through life begrudging what should or might have been...I want to Dance! Live life to the fullest potential with the gifts I've been given. When this philosophy is embraced, the world truly is a different place! Now, instead of rather stressfully attempting to decide what to do with my life, I allow myself to dream the impossible, hope for the fantastic, and put my faith in the unseen. Life is what you make of it, my dear captive readers. No more, and certainly no less.

Lesson 101 on "How to Dream."
1) Think of something rather impossible, but that you've always wanted to do.
2) No longer think of it as impossible, but rather a thing quite distant that you'd very much like to reach.
3) Begin to think...'What can I do to make this distant idea a reality?'
4) Repeat as necessary.

A few examples of dreaming are below:

-Which degree should I pursue next? So many exciting choices! and I'm only a 21- year old College grad.
-Which foreign lands shall I visit next? Perhaps a year teaching in Africa would be nice. Or maybe a term in the Universities of Asia. Or, perhaps, even a Convent or Music School in Mainland Europe. Or I could just learn to yodel and buy a chalet in Switzerland. with a herd of goats. Or not.
-Whom should I marry, or should I? <---- this question has been the source of death and misery for many a [once] sane yet discontented individual. The 'playlist' of Life is not on pause during singleness, my friend. Rather, It is playing loudly, the rhythm is constant, and people are dancing! and enjo ying it. Join the crowd of happy, excited, contented-until-further-notice single people! But always living with a dream.

This blog has been rather lengthy and very much full of random thoughts translated into random typed thoughts.
Moral: Dream Big. We serve a big God who delights in making our dreams come true!
As one man said so adequately, "He makes Dreams out of Nothing...He can
make your Dreams come true."

Until next time...
So long. Adeiu. Adios. Bye. TTYL. :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

The closing of a Chapter...beginning of a life.

Alas, such exciting things have occurred in my little corner of the world since my last posting. Do allow me to include you in this bulletin:

1) I am an official college graduate! The proud owner of a beautiful diploma and nifty pink tassel (representing my BA in Music).

Graduation celebratory pictures with the Davis side of the family.

Two graduates of the evening.

The tassel truly was worth the hassle! (I think...)

2) I am no longer a resident of the dorm- gleefully home in NC for the summer with my family, basqueing in the glory of Lexington BBQ and setting up my portion of the house.

3) I am pleased to announce exciting plans for this fall, God willing. I have accepted a position as an upper-level Piano Instructor and Accompanist at the Bach Children's Music School in Stuart, FL and will also be teaching private piano lessons in the surrounding areas. (Stuart, Hobe Sound, Port St. Lucie.) I will also be working part-time at the Hobe Sound Bookstore with the famed authoress Jenness Walker. :) I also plan to begin my MA in the spring at FAU.

The end of this summer vacation does not lead to college for me. A simple, profound, but shocking reality nonetheless. All entailed with College life has come to an end. Memories of choir, final exams, classes, frivolity, and fun times are but a black and white page of cluttered photographs in my yearbook. The signature on my diploma serves as the fine' to this chapter in my life, yet there is a Coda awaiting. Many individuals see the completion of a college degree as an ending to the 'fun' of life and a harsh introduction to reality, but I see it a little differently. It is true that the college-stage-of-life is complete for me, and yes, it is a little bittersweet. But do tell me HOW, in the name of Feta cheese, can a college degree be the end of life?! Mere irony at its finest! Therefore my beloved readers, it is with great anticipation that I dream uninhibitedly about the future and begin my career. So there you have it.
Let Life Begin.