Sunday, November 27, 2011


You must be wondering, "Is she EVER going to up date that blog, or let it die a slow, painful death??" Well, good news and bad news. (didn't you just hate it when your dad used to say that?)
First, the good news: No, the blog is not dead! Very much alive and well (contrary to first glimpses); Bad News: Life happens. Namely, teaching happens, which comes first, and I don't always get to share those fun times as often as I'd like. Sigh. So, there you have it. :)

fun times decorated November! Allow me to share a few with you. :D
The last week of October...

The last week of October, I had to privilege of going to Indiana
to play for my cousin Debra's wedding. Another plus to the
wedding was getting to spend time with the Bride's sister, Tiffany,
who has been my very best friend since we were kids.
Three weeks apart, both pursued ED degrees in college,
and alike in many scary ways!
Love you, Tiffany! 
First, a few school-views of November. . .

My November bulletin in Jr. High- really
happy with how it turned out! Nothing
like trying something new...simply because
you can. :) 

In History, the students made 'log cabins' for the Colonial
Period. Several kids are missing in this pic, but you
get the idea. I loved the creativity! 

                                   Next, of course, comes Thanksgiving! And turkey. and stuff. 
The day before Thanksgiving, the students decorated
our classroom for Christmas. Here is our cute little
tree. They did a great job! All that's missing is Linus' blue
blanket, which I forgot to take that day. :( But as of tomorrow,
it will be our 'tree skirt.' Isn't creativity a grand and glorious thing? :)
                                                           Now, on to Thanksgiving. . .

Grandpa and Grandma Davis came over for the afternoon-
we were so glad they could come! Dad, Kimberly, and I
got an pool lesson from the 'expert.' aka: Grandpa.

 Grandpa, showing up how to shoot it right. He's great!

Our Thanksgiving feast was delicious!
Turkey, of course, Sweet Potato Cass.,
Squash Cass., Oyster Casserole made by
Grandma (one of my favorites!), home-made rolls,
cran-apple salad, cranberry sauce, Pumpkin/Pecan
pies. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but it
was scrumptious! I am so blessed.

And that about wraps up my November re-cap post. Check out my next blog post, "30-some-Thank-Things," which is about my 'thankful' list. Until then. . .

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