I'm sure you must be wondering at my absence of writing the past week or so...
However, I am writing now as a survivor of my very first week of school
as a full-time teacher of Jr. High classes, Elementary Music,
Jr/High Choir, and 12 private students (music classes and
lessons begin this coming week).
(HOORAY, everyone!)
WHEW, and what
a week it has been indeed!
It was something like this...
But, I must say, that the classes I had anticipated
as being the most difficult, are in fact my absolute favorites!
While Jr. High (7-8th) classes are very different from anything
I've ever taught, I'm really enjoying the experience! So thankful for a
genuinely terrific group of kids to teach- makes my job
a lot easier. :)
There were several times this week when I began to feel like this...
...but then I remembered,
All in all, it was a good week. I entered this
school year with a plethora of different feelings
about the year, but I already feel as if I've learned
more than the students! Guess that's good, right?
To shorten this, I'll just share the highlights from this week
to give you an idea of what I've been up to!
Welcome to my 7-8th Homeroom
where I teach 7th grade Math, NC State History,
and Jr. High Bible Monday-Thursday. (We get
Fridays off...beautiful thing, isn't it?!)
I do not have 'before' and 'after' pictures of this room...
because...because. :) Let's just say,
it got a face lift, and my goal was to 'fun-ize' and color it,
so this is what I came up with...
Our "News Flash" (aka, Current Event) section
with magazines, articles, etc. and the bulletin
board of the month...
"The Value of an Idea is in Using it."
The little blue hands have words such as
'design,' 'create,' 'inspire,' 'invent,' etc. on them.
View of my desk and student work display area.
I never really thought I wanted to be a teacher...
even in college. But suddenly, I can't imagine doing
anything else! Even after days like Wednesday.
(Wednesday was something like Garfield's Monday,
except intensified x 1,000,000.
But hey, at least
I'm alive to tell about it. :)
More pictures about activities of the past few weeks
are soon to come...but first, sleep.
So very invigorated about a long weekend...
No school until from Friday to Monday for me.
Oh, yes, please!
Until after zzzzzzzzzz...
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